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Tijuana River Water Quality Problems, Solutions and Status

The list below represents the problems, solutions, status, responsbility and estimated costs to resolve each of the problems. This list might not be complete. If you have identified a problem (even one on this list) and a solution (that might be different than the one on this list, please click here to reach an input page that will be reviewed by the Proyecto 2030 team. To see a map of the problems and solutions, click here.

Problem   Solution      Status Responsible Organization Cost (est.)

Insurgentes Oriente Collector Break

Repair collector Completed CESPT $30 million pesos/$1.6 million
Deferred maintenance and upgrades to the San Antonio Los Buenos Pump Station Upgrade the pump station No action     CESPT      No estimate
Trash entering the Tijuana River Valley from the Tijuana River concrete channel        Install automated trash rackes at each outfall in the river channel      No action    TBD No estimate
Trash entering the Tijuana River Valley from the Tijuana River concrete channel   Clean concrete river channel quarlterly First kilometer cleaned, a16 more kilomters funded by CONAGUA     City of Tijuana $900,000 pesos
Trash entering the Tijuana River Valley from the Tijuana River concrete channel        
Trash entering the Tijuana River Valley from the Tijuana River concrete channel        
Trash entering Goat Canyon via Los Laureles Canyon in Tijuana         
Trash entering estuary via Yogurt Canyon in Tijuana             
Sediment entering the Tijuana River Valley from the Tijuana River concrete channel Construct a sediment basin at the end of the concrete channel Design being considered IBWC/CILA No estimate
Sediment entering the Tijuana River Valley from the Tijuana River concrete channel   Revegetate unvegetated areas in the canyon and pave the unpaved streets that drain into the canyon. No lead agency to coordinate the revegetation and repaving process. No lead agency      No estimate, but volunteerims could help.
Sediment entering Goat Canyon via Los Laureles Canyon in Tijuana             
Sediment entering estuary via Yogurt Canyon in Tijuana             


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